Bolsaplast is specialist in manufacturing flexible and medical packaging. Our bags are used for packing products and food under corporate brand and for sterilising medical packaging. In our shop online it is possible to find any kind of bags or packaging for packing your products. High quality customised bags, for any kind of food or products.
Also producing specific packaging for medical products. Browse our shop online and find our wide range of bags and packaging.
Customised products
All our products are customised and specially manufactured for every customer. Our bags are used for packing and promoting food, detergents, textiles and any kind of products. And we are using different materials and systems, from the most standard to the top technological.
All our products are in stock. This allows us to supply in a short time delays and offering an excellence delivery service worldwide.
All our products are in stock. This allows us to supply in a short time delays and offering an excellence delivery service worldwide.

Visit our shop online
Choose material, size and finish you like. Select one of our bags and make consumer to enjoy a perfectly packed and attractive product.